- Give everyone a fair shot.
- If you haven’t anything nice to say, don’t say it.
- Use the BEST premium products and you’ll be the BEST.
- Smile!
Be the solution to the problem,
not part of the problem.
- Don’t drink and drive; don’t let others.
- Respect salesmen, you’re one.
- Don’t take sides. You’ll make two enemies.
- Be NEAT.
- Wear a clean shirt everyday.
- Don’t cheat or steal.
- Serve.
- Keep your hands and fingernails clean.
- Use Mr., Sir, or Ms., when talking to strangers.
- Don’t be a part of a rumor.
- Keep your space clean.
- Don’t waste.
- Be on time.
Help others when they’re busy.
- Don’t use the easy way. Use the right way.
- Don’t give up. Follow your dream.
- If you open it, close it.
- If you turn it on, turn it off.
- If you unlock it, lock it up.
- If you value it, take care of it.
- If you can’t fix it, call in someone who can.
- If you borrow it, return it.
- If you break it, admit it.
- If you make a mess, clean it up.
- If you move it, move it back.
- If it belongs to someone else and you want to use it,
get permission.
If you don’t know how to operate it,
leave it alone.
- If it’s none of your business,
don’t ask questions.
- If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.
- If it will brighten someone’s day–SAY IT!
- Be patient with your coworkers.
- Never put a glass in the ice bin.
- No smoking behind the bar.
- Never become better than your customers.
- Never touch the rim of the glass.
- Create a house cocktail.
- You’re a bartender, no one says, “hey mixologist”.
“Hey bar chef”
- “Hey cocktailian”
- “Hey Master Mixologist”
- Foul language is not and never will be
a sign of a good bartender.
- Don’t cheat with your drinks.
- Use a scoop for ice, not hands.
- Don’t listen to what doesn’t concern you.
- The mission of a bartender is to cheer up,
not to intoxicate.
- Be proud you’re a BARTENDER.
Foley Publishing Corporation sends a special “thank you” to
Santiago Policastro (Pichin) for sharing some of his philosophy.